UP BEAT! -Since 2002-

日本HOUSE MUSIC シーンの登竜門で象徴的なイベントである。今年22年目迎え延べ2万人以上の集客を誇り時代を彩ってきた。数多くのGUEST ARTISTを招致しHOUSE MUSICカルチャーの成長させ続けてきた、日本が誇るロングランパーティーである。
渋谷Xanadoから始まりClub Asia、代官山AIR、そしてClub Asiaに戻り、近年ではAFTER NOON PARTYとして汐留のBANK30にて開催。時代の変化とともに変幻自在にロケーションを変え今尚多くのクラウドを歓喜の渦に巻き込んでいる。
It is a symbolic event and a gateway to success in the Japanese house music scene. Now in its 22nd year, the event has attracted a total of over 20,000 people and has been a symbol of the times. It is a long-running party that is the pride of Japan and has continued to grow the HOUSE MUSIC culture by inviting many GUEST ARTISTS.
Starting from Shibuya Xanado, Club Asia, Daikanyama AIR, and back to Club Asia, and recently AFTER NOON PARTY has been held at BANK30 in Shiodome. The location has changed with the changing times, and the party continues to bring joy to many crowds.