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WOMBの「HOUSETRIBE」、VISIONの「EDGE HOUSE」を皮切りに、さまざまなレギュラーパーティに参加。



ホテルラウンジやレストランバーでのDJプレイにも定評があり、「冒険」をテーマにしたフリーマガジン『ADVENTURE KING』の10周年アニバーサリーパーティや、原宿キャットストリートのARMANI EXCHANGE、MONCLER渋谷POPUP STOREでDJを担当。



彼女のDEEPで硬派なHOUSE MUSICは一貫して評価が高く、2023年には待望の初来日公演となる”Eric Prydz” ZERO TOKYO公演でサポートDJに大抜擢。


Amidst the rising wave of next-generation DJs, she has gained experience performing at gigs of all sizes.

Kicking off her journey with HOUSETRIBE at WOMB and EDGE HOUSE at VISION, she has become a regular at numerous parties.

Through her self-organized party, arcana, she is shaping a new house scene for Generation Z.


She is also highly regarded for her DJ performances at hotel lounges and restaurant bars.

She has played at the 10th anniversary party of “ADVENTURE KING”, a free magazine themed around exploration, as well as at ARMANI EXCHANGE on Harajuku Cat Street and the MONCLER Shibuya POPUP STORE.

With her striking visual presence and unique sense of style, she continues to stand out in the scene, even balancing work as a fashion model.


Her deep and uncompromising house music has consistently earned high praise.

In 2023, she was chosen as a supporting act for the highly anticipated Eric Prydz show at ZERO TOKYO, marking a major milestone in her career.


With her ever-growing presence, she is undoubtedly one of the most exciting young DJs to watch.

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